Questions Loom as Lake County Considers Forest Preserve Land Sale to Waukegan Airport 

(opponent Hewitt votes supporting Forest Preserve land sale)



Highlights of 2009 Savanna Master Plan 

     - Why hasn't more been done in 15 years ?

A Master Plan has been completed and approved for this site. It outlines future recreation improvements and natural resource restoration activities that will occur at Waukegan Savanna. Learn more »The planning process consisted of three phases:

1. Inventory, Analysis & Program Development–Spring/Summer 2009

Information was gathered about the site and project program ideas were developed through public input and assessment of our overall needs. A public open house was held in May to present site inventory and analysis information about the preserve and gather public input about future plan ideas. In addition, an online Information and Interest Survey was conducted to gather public input. View survey results.Site inventory and analysis findingsThe following maps were presented at the public open house:

  • 1939 Historic Aerial Photograph
  • Waukegan Savanna Forest Preserve Context Map
  • Waukegan Savanna Forest Preserve Parcels Map
  • Site Inventories - Hydrology, Vegetation, Topography

2. Concept Plan Alternatives–Fall 2009

Based on public input and our overall needs, two master plan concept alternatives were developed. The plan alternatives illustrate potential natural resource, recreation and restoration activities, and how they might be integrated into the site.A public open house was held in November 2009, and an online survey was conducted to provide opportunity for public comment on the plans. This input was used to develop the Conceptual Master Plan.

3. Conceptual Master Plan–Spring/Summer 2010

A preliminary Conceptual Master Plan was designed for the preserve, and reflects a combination of ideas from both of the concept alternatives previously reviewed by the public. A public open house was held on April 20, 2010, to give the public a chance to comment on the proposed preliminary conceptual master plan.

4. Plan Approval–September 14, 2010

The Conceptual Master Plan was approved by the Board of Commissioners, and will be implemented as part of the Capital Improvement Plan budget process.Thank you to everyone who participated in the master planning process.